Stephan pressed the lasgun tighter to his shoulder as he fired shot after shot into the Orks. The ring of defenders was holding, presenting an almost solid wall of firepower that held the rampaging Xenos at bay, the few that got too close being picked off by Brennan’s sniper rifle. He knew it would change soon however, as the hulking creatures pushed closer every second.
Allen ejected his magazine, slamming home another almost instantly, firing recklessly into the crowded Orks.
“Bring it on you bas-“ He was cut off as the guardsman beside him was struck by an Ork round, his chest exploding under the force of the blow, showering those nearby with gore.
“Krarking hounds!” Allen roared, wiping his face clear. “Is that all you’ve got?”
Picking up the fallen soldier’s lasgun, he brought both his weapons to bear, cursing furiously as he did so.
The Sergeant dashed from one side of the perimeter to the other, keeping the soldiers concentrated and their fire accurate. The scars on his face were creased by his heavy frown, his face contorted into a hard grimace as he threw grenades into the Ork ranks.
Brennan hastily reloaded a magazine, pulling the bolt into position before rapidly firing a brace of shots into the largest Ork he could see. He knew that they were on borrowed time, soon enough the defensive ring would be broken and his position on the roof would be next to fall. He aimed again, shooting an Ork straight through the throat as it threw its head back to roar. A smile crossed his face as he picked out another target. This was the easiest shooting he’d ever faced. A sound behind him brought his focus back, and he rolled onto his front to see what was behind him. Eyes widening with terror, he stared into the dishevelled features of an Ork Kommando. His skin was darker than the other Orks, streaked with black paint and camouflage. His armour was tighter than the others too, thinner strips of metal winding about a blackened tunic. Crisscrossing his body lay several knives in a bandoleer, and a string of teeth dangled around his neck, a grisly pendant that bounced against the creature’s barrel chest. With a glint in his eye, and a twisted smile that hinted at a macabre intelligence, the beast raised its blade and lunged, in a furious attempt to impale him. Rolling deftly, Brennan avoided the blow, bringing his boot round, kicking the Ork in the face. Barely shaken, the brutish Xenos dived at him, but Brennan was ready. Squeezing the trigger of his rifle, the beast’s face was twisted by shock and pain as a round tore through his chest. Momentum kept him coming, however, and something primal kept his blade steady – aimed at Brennan’s head. Scrambling backwards, trying to get to his feet, Brennan narrowly avoided to crude weapon, but the bulky body of the Ork crashed into his, forcing the wind from him, and sending them both crashing through the flimsy roof tiles.
Stephan took a step backwards as the first Ork vaulted the wall. Blasting furiously, chunks of the creature evaporated under the lasgun’s bolts, and the creature’s corpse slumped back over the wall into the baying crowds around it. He glanced around. They had lost about six men to Ork bullets, and the creatures were at their throats now, clambering over the treacherous ruins that protected them. Two more of the creatures heaved themselves over the barricade, only one falling to the fire, the second landing, knife drawn, just ahead of Stephan.
“Breach!” He cried, desperately pulling out his knife. “The Orks are ins-“
He was cut off as the drooling monster’s knife rammed through his stomach. Stephan’s eyes widened in pain as the blade was wrenched sideways, out of his body. He slumped to the floor, the Ork punching his grimacing face, snapping his neck with the force of the blow.
“STEPHAN!!” Cried Allen, witnessing the brutal death of his friend. Leaping from his post he charged at the slavering Ork.
“Hold the line!” Cried the Sergeant to no avail. “Hold them back!”
It was too late, the disruption caused by Stephan’s death had cost the guardsmen dear, breaking their concentration long enough for several Orks to clamber inside the barricade. The Sergeant’s teeth gritted as he watched several of his men torn apart. Firing his pistol at the Orks he could see, he shouted to his squadmates.
“Rally to me, rally!”
Allen paid no heed to his Sergeant as he barrelled into the Ork that stood over Stephan’s ruined body. Throwing his lasguns at the creature’s face, he drew his combat knife, lunging at the Ork’s exposed stomach. His blade punched deep, scoring a wound across the monster’s abdomen. He ducked frantically, as the wild return swing threatened to decapitate him. Catching the Ork’s knife arm as it swung over his head, he thrust his knife through it, tearing it along the alien’s arm, ripping muscle and tendon alike. Howling, the Ork dropped the knife from his broken hand, swinging a punch with the other. Allen rolled under the blow, scooping the Ork’s crude knife up in one deft motion. Stepping inside the Ork’s guard, he jammed both his blades into the creature’s armpits, twisting them as he did so. He arms ruined, the Ork stumbled to the floor, Allen kicking him over as he did so. Placing his foot against the beast’s head, he looked at Stephan’s corpse.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered, his voice cracking. His eyes hardened as he stamped down, and his gaze turned to the Orks heaving themselves over the barricade.
The Sergeant stood amongst his men, pistol blazing fire as he did. They were all in a ring, except Allen, who was charging like a berserker into the midst of the Orks. He knew better than to call him back, they had come here to die as best they could anyway. The ring of men was shrinking by the minute, as they fell to Ork fire or those who got too close, he gritted his teeth as he roared the last order he could.
“For the Emperor! Tear them apart!”