Last year, Wizards of the Coast called time on their game Star Wars Miniatures. However, after the termination, a group of dedicated fans, led by a team from set up what came to be know as the Virtual Sets (or V-Sets for short). These fan produced sets aimed to create new stats for the existing range of models to keep the game alive for as long as possible.
Now, after the release of the first V-Set - Destiny of the Force - I thought I would do something to keep the game alive.
I have always enjoyed story driven campaigns in my games, and I decided that now would be a great time to combine that with my enjoyment of SW canon. As such I have decided to produce a series of linking scenarios that are informed and shaped by feedback from players, in order to create a story that ties into the existing wealth of Star Wars canon.
As for the story, it starts on a canon planet, with two canon characters who I have named for this story. As to what happens next, who knows, it depends on the results of this scenario.
Characters - Our two ARC lieutenants were first seen as the two Lieutenants in the Muunilinst 10. For this story they have been identified as Alpha-43 (Teeth), who wielded the PLX-1 in the episode, and Alpha-11 (Slim), who shot his way through a AAT in the episode.
The Muunilinst 10
Now that we know who we're about to see, let's move on:
The Scenario:
Breaking the Shield:
The heavy rumble of artillery continued, splintering the hastily constructed barricade that sheltered the beleaguered Clones. The battle on Jeyell had been raging for weeks now, with neither the Republic nor the Separatists able to maintain any momentum. Despite their initial gains, the forces of the Republic had found themselves thwarted by an experimental shield system deployed in several battlezones on the planet. The shields generated a close force field around nearby droid units, rendering them almost impervious to blaster fire. The introduction of these shields had startling repercussions across the planet, as even the weakest droid units became hard to destroy. For the Republic high command, the destruction of the main generator in the city of Fayar became a vital priority.
Standing up on the firing step and taking several, hastily aimed shots into the oncoming droids, Sergeant CT-8678 cursed as he dropped below cover again.
“We need to destroy that shield system, it’s stopping us from doing anything.”
The Clone next to him nodded in agreement,
“I’ll try the Comm again sir.”
The sergeant turned to the trooper next to him, barking out an order,
“Guns, pour some fire on those Clankers!”
The Clone named Guns, wielding his repeating blaster, stepped up onto the firing plate, unleashing a torrent of fire that briefly silenced the oncoming droids.
“Any reply?” The Sergeant asked the Comm operator.
Nodding as he signed off the channel, the operator replied,
“Affirmative sir, command has dropped two ARC troopers in the area, tasked with the demolition of the generator.” He paused briefly, “We’ve been ordered to move up to draw fire, sir, so that they can succeed.”
The Sergeant snorted. “Glory hogs.” Turning to the remaining men in his section he addressed them quickly.
“You heard the order, we need to push up to the Clanker hotspot to buy the ARCs some time. Strap up and load your weapons, we’re moving out.”
Alpha-11 took a casual step out of the diving LAAT/i, letting himself fall towards the battle below. Looking sideways at his partner, Alpha-43, he remarked to him,
“Nice day for it, isn’t it Teeth?”
He heard his partner laugh,
“It is Slim, it is indeed.”
A voice cut through their headsets as they approached their target,
“Radio silence now, target is in view marked on your HUD. Good luck.”
“Luck? Never needed it before.” Remarked Slim, as the ARC troopers activated their grav chutes, dropping silently to the battle below.
Scanning his comms, Teeth sent a wide sent a message to the closest Republic forces available.
“Troopers, this is Alpha-43, we are in position and proceeding. We will need cover to succeed, if able, move up and engage targets that present themselves.”
The comm. Link crackled as the reply came through.
“This is CT-8678, we hear you, we have pressed through into the shield generator control area."
Having being inserted into the battle in order to destroy a vital objective, the ARC troopers must eliminate the shield generator before Separatist reinforcements overrun them.
Scenario Special Rules:
Surprise Insertion:
The droids do not know that the ARCs are on the battle field, allowing them to make their way to the objective stealthily. However, no-one stays hidden for long in warfare.
If an active droid character (any droid that is not currently a Reserve droid) ends its turn with line of sight to one of the ARC troopers roll a d20 and consult the results below:
16+ Alerted – all droid reserves are alerted and may activate this round.
11+ Suspicious – droid reserves are alerted, but may not move/attack until the next round.
6 + Does not detect anything – nothing happens.
If the ARC troopers are in cover then -4 from the dice roll.
As soon as the Demo Charge has been placed, the alarm is sounded and all droid reserves are alerted and may be activated in the following round.
Reserve droids:
Because of the security of the position, there are several un-activated droid reserves around the battle field. Whilst they can be attacked, as soon as they are they will all be alerted (as if they had rolled an 11+) If they are left, they will be activated when the Demo Charge is placed. If a Reblic character comes within 2 squares of a Reserve droid the Separatist player may roll a d20 (consult the table above) to see if its self defence mechanisms cause it to activate. I f a droid activates in this way, the remaining droids remain un-activated, as they have not been disturbed.
Until the shields are destroyed by the Republic, each droid Separatist has the Shields 2 special rule (as detailed in the Star Wars Miniatures rules glossary) but only against attacks from non-adjacent enemies.
Vital mission:
The ARC troopers have been given access to deadly equipment for this mission:
Demo Charge – used to destroy the shield generator. Replaces attacks to place the charge.
Can be destroyed by a droid (except the B3) – destroying a Demo Charge Replaces Turn. The charge will detonate 3 rounds after activation.
Shape charge – One use. Each ARC has a Shape charge. Replaces attacks – remove 2 squares of wall adjacent to the ARC, these squares become difficult terrain. Enemy characters within 2 squares of a shape charge take 20 damage, save 11. If a shape charge is used, all droids (including Reserve droids) with 12 squares may roll as if they had line of sight to the ARC troopers. (Using a big explosive isn’t exactly subtle.)
Experimental Shields: Each ARC trooper has the Shields special rule, however if a 1 is rolled, the shields fail and cannot be used again.
Extreme training: Having fought on Hypori and Muunilinst, both ARC troopers are adept on their feet. As a result, they have the Stable Footing rule.
Victory Conditions:
2 VP (Victory Points) if the Demo Charge destroys the shield generator.
1 VP for each ARC trooper that makes it to the extraction point by Turn 10
2 VP if the Demo Charge is destroyed.
1VP for each ARC trooper killed.
Alpha-11 (Slim) – Republic Commando Sev 16
Alpha-43 (Teeth) - Republic Commando Scorch 16
Clone Trooper Sergeant 10
Clone Trooper with Repeating blaster 23
5 x Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist 25
3 x Battle Droid 12
2 x Security Battle Droid 16
Battle Droid Officer 8
3 x Battle Droid 12
Super Battle Droid x 4 40
B3 Ultra Battle Droid 32
Set up:

The green highlighted area = Shield generator
The Red highlighted area = Extraction point
Blue Droids are the Reserve Droids.
The Republic player starts this scenario.
Closing comments:
I hope the scenario is fun, I have only tested it a few times...
If you do play it, and would be interested in furthering the story of the Battle of Jeyell, and the ARC troopers, then can you either comment here, or PM me on SWMGamers or Bloomilk with the following information to help me build the story:
Who won.
Who survived (seps and Republic)
Any out of the ordinary moments (e.g. critical hits or the like)